Young journalists as a part of CHANGE

Student Lana Jurišić is one of the students from primary schools in Croatia, currently inclouded in CHANGE project. She wrote about CHANGE in their school newspaper “Zmajček”, as a student journalist:


This school year we started implementing the CHANGE project. The goal of CHANGE is to make students think critically about the topics of migration and refugees, teach them how to differ facts from opinions and to be able to recognise prejudices and stereotipes. CHANGE is offering students new knowledge, experiences, encounters and new perspective as well. Each of stages lasts approximately 45 minutes, so we decided to have each of them on one class for the journalist group, for students in 8th grade in Kašina. Each stage of the CHANGE curriculum encourages students to reflect about different things. There is 6 phases altogether. Some of these steps are: exploring self-awareness and self-esteem, critical information, dealing with prejudices… And all of them are teaching you something new. We started with the programme, and so far we like it a lot! At the beginning we filled out the evaluation and then we started with the first stage, where we watched a touching short movie about a girl named Hiba and reflected about self-esteem and self-awareness. We will be informing you about the continuation of the project here in “Zmajček”.

Croatian version

I mladi novinari pridružili su se projektu CHANGE

Učenica Lana Jurišić jedna je od učenica osnovnih škola u Hrvatskoj uključenih u CHANGE projekt. O projektu je pisala u školskim novinama “Zmajček”:


Ove godine smo se uključili u projekt CHANGE. Projekt CHANGE ima za cilj potaknuti učenike na kritičko razmišljanje o temi izbjeglica i migracija, podučava ih kako mogu razlikovati činjenice od mišljenja i tome da postanu sposobni prepoznati predrasude i stereotipe. Više o projektu možete saznati na stranicama JRS-a. CHANGE želi ponuditi učenicima nova znanja, iskustva, susrete a možda i novu perspektivu. Svaka faza za ispunjavanje treba oko 45 minuta, pa smo mi to odlučile raditi na novinarskoj grupi osmih razreda u Kašini. Svaka faza potiče učenika na nešto drugo. Ima 6 faza. Neke od njih su svijest o sebi i samopoštovanje, ključne informacije, rad na predrasudama… Svaka vas nauči nešto novo. Mi smo se uključile i zasad nam se jako sviđa. Zasad smo ispunile inicijalni upitnik i započeli s prvom fazom u kojoj smo pogledali dirljiv film o djevojčici Hibi i u kojoj smo promislile o samopoštovanju i svijesti o sebi. O nastavku projekta izvještavat ćemo vas u Zmajčeku.